Week 8: Plaster Casting


For this week, my friends and I decided to go to the beach as well as do our plaster casting.
It was a difficult assignment for me because I first did the hole too close to the shore, that the water got into it. My first try got ruined. The second time I attempted to do it, the plaster was too thick that it did not come out as well as I hoped it would.
I first made a hole, then mixed the plaster with water, I put my foot into the hole and then poured the plaster once my imprint was made. I then waited around 40 minutes for the plaster to settle in. I then attempted to take it out and sadly, it broke.

Week 6: Fake Identity


For this week, the class had to do something that was out of the norm. My classmates and I decided to go to Seal Beach with a Gothic appearance.
We asked a group of people who were skateboarding some questions. One question was what type of music they thought we listened to. They said gospel music and Drake. We then asked what age we were and they responded 21,22,and 20. I guess all the makeup we wore made us look older. The way our appearance was made people glance and stare.